How to Write an Effective Conclusion for the Research Paper

Students have to face many challenges during their academic program period. They are provided with many activities that are conclusion essential for a better understanding of the topic. Most of the activities in higher academics are based on writing. These writing activities can be an assignment, essays, dissertations, and many more. However, dissertation writing is the most difficult of all of the provided writing activities. Students have to face this challenge in the last semester of their academic program. Professional assignment help can play an effective role in achieving higher grades.

There is a defined process of writing a dissertation, you cannot just write it as considering an essay or assignment for some general topics. Following the right procedure will lead your way in preparing the entire dissertation according to the needs of the standards. The dissertation consists of the five chapters, each of them has to specific with the required information and with the limitation of the words. These five chapters are;

  1. Introduction.
  2. Literature Review.
  3. Research Method.
  4. Results and Findings.
  5. Conclusion.

“Conclusion”- Fifth and the Last Chapter

Today we will discuss in detail the requirements of the fifth chapter, which is the conclusion. The conclusion is a self-explanatory term that sums up the entire key points of the research in a specific manner. This includes the key points of the entire research writing and helps the reader to quickly understand the objectives and the outcomes of the research at the same time.

Start the Conclusion chapter immediately after the end of the results section on a new page. Type the heading “Conclusion” as a level 1 heading. The structure of your discussion should be from specific to general. Start with a restatement of your hypotheses and indicate whether the hypotheses were supported. Provide links between your results and previous research and theory (with citations) that you reviewed in your introduction. End your conclusion chapter with an assessment of limitations in your research. Draw overall conclusions about the current state of knowledge given your findings and previous findings. State why it is important to continue to pursue this line of research and include ideas for future research. This chapter should be of at least 3 pages.

Note: Do NOT give personal reactions such as, “I was shocked/surprised/disappointed to find…”

A conclusion should include the following components:

1- Conclusion:  As discussed earlier, the conclusion should include the key components of the study and the statistical tests performed. It should be specific, effective and easy to read for the readers.It is simply a summary of the entire research paper.

2-  Discussion:  Most people get themselves confused about the discussion with the conclusion. There is a difference between both of them. The conclusion is just a summary of your research paper while the discussion answers all the questions about the research paper. It explains the meaning of the research. Remember the questions section in the very first chapter of the dissertation that requires to state the research questions in the specific section. You answer those questions in detail at the end of the dissertation in the discussion section. Other than the research questions it further includes the examination of the literature covered in chapter 2, “The Literature Review”. A custom writing of the discussion should include the following;

  • The key factors and the findings of the study.
  • Explanation of the findings.
  • Relation of the findings with the previous authentic and reliable research.
  • It should include the limitations concerning the findings.
  • Examination and logical explanation of the odd results, if any.
  • Identification of the gaps and suggestions for further studies.

3- Policy Implications:  Policy implication is an implementation of the statements provided in the policy. It is not always simple and can differ according to people’s observations. In simple words, it is a statement of a conclusion derived from the result and findings to be added in the policy if significant.

4-  Limitations: Limitations are the factors that are not under the control of the researcher. These factors are uncontrollable and can affect your methodology and conclusions. So, the dissertation needs to mention all kind of limitations in the study that directly or indirectly affects your methodology and the conclusion.  

5-  Future Research Recommendations: You can always find a gap in the study and that is how you conduct research based on the previous gaps. In this particular section of the dissertation, you are required to mention the gaps left in the study and the recommendations of the gaps to be researched. This can be an Assignment help for other researchers and will be a contribution from your side.

Key Take-Away

  1. Always follow the required standards of writing and format.
  2. By following the right procedure you won’t skip a single point.
  3. There is a difference between a conclusion and discussion.
  4. Policy implications come from the results and findings.
  5. It is necessary to mention the limitations that affect the methodology and the conclusion of the research report writing paper.
  6. Find out the gaps and recommend the most significant for future research purposes.