11 Exam Success Secrets – No One Told You Before

If you’re a student, chances are you’ve been in the position of having to prepare for an exam. Preparing for exams and then passing your exam with flying colors is not easy. It’s a dream for some, and a nightmare for others.

It’s easy to get overwhelmed and feel like there’s no way out. Especially if you don’t know how to prepare and perform better in exams, without getting frustrated.

Well, we understand your pain. And to make things easier for you, we dig out some hidden secrets with the help of one of the best assignment writing services UK. In this blog, you will find out the tips and tricks experts and toppers used to not only complete their exam preparation but also perform better in their exams.

So, without delay, let’s get straight into the secrets that will help you ace your upcoming exams.

Secrets To Preparing For Exams

When it comes to preparing for your exams, here are a few tips you can follow to make sure you are ready to ace your exam:

Start Early

This is the most important thing you can do. The earlier you start preparing for your exam, the more time you have to practice. When you give yourself enough time to prepare, you’ll be able to make sure that your studying isn’t rushed and that you have time to practice what you know. Plus, when you have more time, you can take notes and come back to them later.

We know that it’s tempting to wait until the last minute but don’t. The more time you have to prepare, the better. If you don’t start studying early, then there’s no way you’ll have time to learn everything. You need to start reviewing from the very beginning of your course. Even if it feels like overkill at first.

Organize Your Study Space

When studying for exams, it’s important to be organized. It’s easy to get distracted by all the things happening around you. To make sure you can focus on your study and don’t get distracted, organize a study space for yourself.

Make sure you’re in a comfortable, clutter-free environment and that all phones, tablets, and other distractions are turned off. Reduce background noise as much as possible. Let your roommates or family members know you’re taking an exam so they can be quiet.

Gather everything you might need during your study. This may include the power cable, your laptop, notebook, textbooks, summary notes, paper, pen, a bottle of water, or some snacks. So you don’t have to leave your desk every five minutes.

Use Past Papers

After you’ve started early, make sure that you’ve got some past papers to work with. This will give you an idea of what kind of questions might be on the exam. So that when the real thing comes around, it won’t be a huge surprise.

Get all of the old exam questions for your classes and read through them carefully.  Underline important information and write notes in the margins about how each question is answered correctly or incorrectly by other students’ answers. This will help you figure out what types of mistakes people make.

Use Flowcharts, Diagrams, And Flashcards

It’s important to be able to visualize information when trying to remember it. So make sure you’ve got a good system for both written notes and visual aids that help you remember key concepts. Making flowcharts, diagrams and flashcards are great tools for helping you remember information that’s hard to keep straight without visual aids.

These are also helpful in organizing information while studying. And they’ll come in handy when it’s time to take notes during class or quiz yourself on something during an exam break.

Make A Study Buddy

It’s always good to have someone in class who you can study with. But it’s even better during exam time. A study buddy can help you in several ways.

First, if you have someone who’s willing to study with you, you can keep each other motivated and accountable. You can provide support to each other by sharing notes, tips, and tricks, and even by just venting your frustrations.

Second, study buddies are great for accountability. It’s much easier to not do your work when you’re alone. But when you know that your friend is expecting you to show up at the library at 4 pm every day this week, then it becomes harder to skip out on studying.

Thirdly, it helps keep both of you on track. If one of you finishes early but the other hasn’t completed yet, he can help the other person.

Furthermore, even studies show that students who study with a buddy perform better than those who study alone. So find someone to study with and make sure they’re on your level so you can work together. You’ll be surprised by how much more you’ll learn!

Secrets To Performing Better In Exams

After you’ve done your preparation for the exam, it’s time to perform better in your exam. Don’t get nervous, we’ve some secret tips for that too. Here are key secrets to help you perform better and score high in exams:

Read The Whole Paper Before You Start

This is the most important thing you can do to prepare for an exam. If you start with a question and don’t know what it’s talking about, it’ll be hard for you to answer it.

So, before you even pick up a pen and start writing, take a few minutes to scan through the whole exam paper and make sure that you understand what each question is asking. This will help you get a sense of what’s coming next and where to focus your energy.

It’s easy to get caught up in the moment and try to just figure things out as you go, but that’s not always a good idea. If you read through the entire paper, you’ll know what you need to do first. It will also help you get into the flow of answering questions.

Divide Your Time For Each Question

Before starting any exam paper, make sure that you know how long it will take for 40 minutes (or whatever amount of time is allotted for each section). Then divide up the questions accordingly. So that you don’t spend too much time on one question or too little time on another one.

This may sound obvious, but sometimes we’re so focused on one particular question that we forget about everything else happening around us. Including other questions, we could be answering instead.

So divide your time accordingly. One-third for reading comprehension; one-third for answering questions and one-third for proofreading/editing work (if applicable).

This strategy will help you keep track of how much time has elapsed during an exam. Also, it gives you an idea of how much time is left before ending your writing session. With enough time left over to proofread your work. This is especially helpful if there are multiple questions to answer. 

Keep Your Focus On Your Paper

There’s a lot going on in the room during an exam. Maybe the person next to you is taking notes on their phone or maybe someone’s sniffing loudly or even talking out loud. Don’t get distracted. Just keep your focus on your paper.

This can be difficult, but it’s important that you don’t let yourself get distracted by your surroundings. Or other things going on in the room. If you need to take breaks, then go ahead and do so. Just remember to come back to your paper after each break so you don’t lose track of what you were doing.

It is also important not to look at any notes that may have been passed around during class. So you do not accidentally use another student’s answers without knowing it.

When you’re doing your paper, don’t worry about anything else. You’ll have plenty of time after the exam to get back into the swing of things and start thinking about everything else going on in your life.

Know What To Do First

After dividing your time for each question based on its difficulty level (easy/medium/hard), you should know what you need to do first. If you know this ahead of time, then it will help you stay calm during the test and stay focused.

Start with the easiest ones, so that they don’t eat up too much of your time. You’ll also feel less pressurized and more confident that you’ve completed at least some part of your exam. Keep the harder questions at the end. They might be worth more points but require more thinking power than some of those earlier ones did.

Avoid Confusions

There will always be questions that seem impossible at first glance.  But if you panic and try to answer them without reading carefully or giving yourself enough time to think through the problem, then they will stay impossible forever (or until the end of the exam period). So just breathe deeply, read carefully, and think it through methodically.

If you get stuck on one question, move on to another one and return to it later if you have time left over at the end of the exam. You’ll be surprised how many times this actually works in your favor. Sometimes by taking a break from thinking about something too long, it makes sense when you go back later!

Do Not Panic

No matter what happens during your exam, try not to panic. It is imperative that you remain calm and focused throughout your test duration because panicking will only make things harder for you. If any distractions occur during your exam, take a deep breath and try again later when there are fewer distractions around you (e.g., other students in the class).

You will have time to finish all questions of your exam if you keep calm and don’t rush yourself into making mistakes that could end up costing points later on.